Monday, February 18, 2013

Rushed painting the pipe last week and wasn't happy with it. Had it blasted today paint this week. Going to try the primer this time also.

So the I took a test ride friday to try out new exhaust and figures out that I had a blown head gasket. Tore it down today and found I had two blown head gaskets.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

So I have been lacking on updates. Life has been busy and I guess this blog is coming in last on the list of priorities. I will post bike progress soon, but for now here is a pic of my first beer I brewed about 21 days ago. It was a kit beer so not allot involed. Is is a pilsner, light colored and light alcohol, 4.6%. There is a definite difference when drinking a beer you made than buying store bought. I am pretty sure I am hooked on home brew. Cheers!